
Update code dir to use your current workspace

On puppet master

cp -r /etc/puppetlabs/code /workspace/code    

Update config in the server's config file /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/puppetserver.conf and update

master-code-dir: /etc/puppetlabs/code


master-code-dir: /workspace/code

(assuming you are using /workspace as your working/developement directory on the puppet master to store the code at )

Restart Puppet Server

service puppetserver restart  

This may take time.

Generating Modules

Change into the directory for production env

cd /workspace/code/environments/production/modules

Using puppet module command, generate the scaffolding for java and tomcat modules


puppet module generate --skip-interview user-java

puppet module generate --skip-interview  gshah-tomcat

Writing classes

file: modules/java/manifests/init.pp

class java {

  package { [ 'epel-release', 'java-1.7.0-openjdk'] : 
    ensure => installed,


Node Definitions - Applying the code

To apply the default class from java module, create a node definition

create file: environments/production/manifests/app.pp

add the node definition

node 'node1' {

   include java


To apply, login to node1 and run puppet agent

ssh devops@node1

sudo su

puppet agent -t 

Writing the class to install tomcat

file: modules/tomcat/manifests/install.pp

class tomcat::install {

    include java

    package { [ 'tomcat', 'tomcat-webapps' ]:
      ensure   => installed, 
      require  => Package['epel-release']


Add tomcat::install to node definition for node1 which should now look like

node 'node1' {

   include java
   include tomcat::install


Apply on node1 by running puppet agent

[on node1, as root]

puppet agent -t 

Nano Project

Now that you have learnt how to write a manifest and apply, and have gone through the class naming conventions, you have been tasked to create the following classe with the specifications as give below,

  • class : tomcat::service resource : service name : tomcat ensure : running enable : true

  • service resource should have a dependency on install class

  • apply it to node1 by updating the node definition. Validate by visiting the IP address of the server and port 8081.

Note : Tomcat may take up to 10mins to come up for the first time. This is discussed in details on this page at the Entropy Source section. We are going to apply that fix in the subsequenct sections.

Also bootstrap node2 ( configure it to talk to the master), create a node definition identical to node1, and apply. Validate that the tomcat service is started on port 8082.

Simplify Run List

file: modules/tomcat/manifests/init.pp

class tomcat {

  include tomcat::install
  include tomcat::service 


And production/manifests/app.pp

node 'node1' {

  include tomcat


node 'node2' {

   include tomcat


Question : Why are we not including java anymore?

Managing Files

  • Create file

    • create directory to hold files : modules/tomcat/files
    • create a file modules/tomcat/files/tomcat.conf and add the content from
  • Create a class tomcat::config to copy this file to destinition

tomcat::config class

class tomcat::config {

  file { '/etc/tomcat/tomcat.conf':
    source    => 'puppet:///modules/tomcat/tomcat.conf',
    owner    => 'tomcat', 
    group    => 'tomcat', 
    mode     => '0644',
    notify   => Service['tomcat'] 


Call it from tomcat class (init.pp)

class tomcat {

  include tomcat::install
  include tomcat::config
  include tomcat::service 

Apply on Node1 and Node2